How To Tackle The Beginning Of Term

Here at Full Spectrum Education, we know just how difficult the beginning of a term can be. The meltdowns, the complaining, the desperate cry of “just ten more minutes!”

Is this really how you want your child to be starting the term? Unfocused, sluggish and generally unmotivated?

Beginnings give us that sparkling feeling of a fresh start, so do everything you can to ingrain that in your child’s mind. In the few days before term starts, ask them if they need any more stationery, help them clear out their bags and their workspaces and begin to plan out their lunches.

Although they may not want to admit it themselves (teenage boys, we’re looking at you!), students THRIVE on routine. Giving them this fresh feeling helps to reset their mind and boost their motivation to get out there and get it done!

Make sure the night before school starts you are using positive language about school. Don’t force it, but talk about how good it will be for them to see their friends again, to engage in extra-curricular activities and so on. Give them a nourishing, comforting meal and make sure they are going to bed calm, relaxed and prepared.

There is no secret way to magically get your kids ready for school, but children are sponges – so lead by example! Be collected, organised and positive. Especially at the start of a term (in the middle of a pandemic, we may add), they need this from you.

Written by Full Spectrum Education

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